HPI is recognized as one of the leading university institutes for computer science (www.hpi.de). Our goal is to strengthen Europe's digital sovereignty with excellent research and practice-oriented teaching in computer science. At HPI, we are convinced that excellence is created when knowledge from different disciplines is collaboratively combined to create responsible and pioneering solutions for the future.
In our research clusters "Systems," "Data and AI," "Foundations," "Digital Health," and "Security," researchers from various disciplines work together on topics relevant to solving the challenges facing society. The Digital Engineering Faculty of the University of Potsdam and HPI offers a computer science engineering degree program that is unique in Germany.
The Digital Engineering Faculty (DEF) at the University of Potsdam invites applications for a joint professorship under the “Jülich Model” with the Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering gGmbH (HPI) to be filled as soon as possible:
Full Professorship (W 3) for Software Engineering and AI
As part of their growth initiative, the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) and the Digital Engineering Faculty (DEF) are looking for a candidate in the area of software engineering and AI with an internationally recognized research profile, an excellent teaching performance and experience in professional software development projects. Traditionally, software development evolved along the strengths and limitations of developers and development tools. Recent advances in large language models (LLMs) allow us to leverage the wealth of software data available in source code repositories in order to adopt a much more data-driven software development approach.
We are looking for a candidate with an academic profile in the recently emerging field of software engineering and AI technology with several of the following research topics:
- AI models, concepts, and tools for software engineering
- Theory and practice of generative AI for software engineering
- Theory and practice of AI-based code repair, error correction, and bug prevention
- AI-based methods and techniques for software testing and test case generation
- AI-based methods and techniques for code summarization and documentation
- Algorithms and techniques for connecting code management systems (e.g. GitHub) and AI tools
The candidate should demonstrate excellence in the following aspects:
- Outstanding publication track record in international conference proceedings and journals in the field of software engineering and artificial intelligence
- Teaching in software engineering and artificial intelligence in practice and theory for undergraduate and graduate levels
- Supervision at bachelor, master, and Ph.D. level
- Acquisition of external funding through public and industry grants
- Experience in large-scale software development processes is beneficial
The Digital Engineering Faculty and the HPI offer scientists excellent opportunities to further develop their skills in research and teaching. We are looking for a team-oriented and committed colleague who is a good fit for the inclusive and family-friendly environment of HPI. German language skills are not initially required.
The joint appointment will be implemented according to the “Jülich Model” with a teaching obligation at the University of Potsdam in accordance with the Brandenburg Higher Education Act (BbgHG).
he hiring process is subject to the requirements set forth in Section 43 subsection 1 sentence 1 no. 1 – 3 and no. 4 letters a and c of the BbgHG. The appointment procedure is conducted in accordance with Section 42 BbgHG.
The University of Potsdam and the HPI value diversity and thus pursue the goals of equal opportunities and diversity in accordance with the general principle of equal treatment. One of the UP’s and HPI’s strategic goals is to significantly increase the proportion of women in research and teaching. Therefore, the UP and the HPI expressly invite applications from qualified female scientists. People with a severe disability will be given preference if they are equally qualified. Periods of time taken for parental leave or caregiving are taken into account when assessing applicants’ academic careers. The implementation of equality and diversity standards in the respective field of work is expected.
We also offer dual career support and coaching for newly appointed professors.
Please submit your application, with the relevant documentation, via email to ausschreibungen@uni-potsdam.de by January 15, 2025.
Prof.-Dr.-Helmert-Str. 2-3