HPI is recognized as one of the leading university institutes for computer science (www.hpi.de). Our goal is to strengthen Europe's digital sovereignty with excellent research and practice-oriented teaching in computer science. At HPI, we are convinced that excellence is created when knowledge from different disciplines is collaboratively combined to create responsible and pioneering solutions for the future.
In our research clusters "Systems," "Data and AI," "Foundations," "Digital Health," and "Security," researchers from various disciplines work together on topics relevant to solving the challenges facing society. The Digital Engineering Faculty of the University of Potsdam and HPI offers a computer science engineering degree program that is unique in Germany. 

In the course of its strong growth, the Hasso Plattner Institute is looking for the earliest possible start date for a


PhD position (m/f/x) - Data Intensive Internet Computing


The position is limited and full-time.


The Data Intensive Internet Computing (DIIC) department at the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) is currently seeking applications for a PhD position. This is an excellent opportunity for a highly motivated and talented individual to contribute to cutting-edge research in a collaborative and inspiring environment.


HPI, an internationally renowned research institution in Computer Science and IT Systems Engineering, offers an excellent work environment, including a newly founded AI lab for software engineering, research projects with leading business partners, strong academic coaching, and appropriate salaries. The institute is located near Berlin, which offers a variety of educational opportunities, recreation, tourism, and culture. 


Within the DIIC department, we apply data-intensive methods, and build real-world systems and models to improve Internet computing and operations. Our research group investigates digital infrastructure, next-generation network protocols and architectures, emerging cyber-physical systems, and aspects of digital sovereignty in the age of increasing consolidation of the Internet.


We regularly publish in top conferences such as – ACM SIGCOMM, ACM IMC, ACM MOBICOM and IEEE INFOCOM. We also publish in top journals such as – ACM SIGCOMM CCR and IEEE/ACM TON. These venues are known to be highly selective and for publishing landmark papers in networking. Our data-intensive research has direct implications on the design and operation of Internet technology and this brings us in active engagement with the standards (IETF) and operations communities (RIPE) to apply our research into the real world.


Your Qualifications


  • A master’s degree in Computer Science, or a related field
  • Strong programming skills, such as in C, Python, Go etc.
  • Strong understanding of networking and systems research
  • English proficiency
  • Ability to work independently and demonstration of creativity
  • Willingness to support teaching of our bachelor and master courses
  • Willingness to mentor bachelor and master students


What we offer


  • HPI offers an inspiring scientific environment with a collaborative and inclusive atmosphere
  • An opportunity to contribute to cutting-edge research, particularly in developing and applying next-generation Internet protocols and architecture
  • Access to state-of-the-art facilities, including a newly founded AI lab for software engineering, and opportunities to work on research projects with leading business partners
  • Strong academic coaching and highly competitive salaries
  • Proximity to Berlin, which offers a variety of educational, recreational, and cultural opportunities
  • Professional development support, such as training on writing grant proposals, teaching, community outreach, and mentoring
  • A range of benefits and services, including medical/dental coverage, health insurance, and access to HPI's libraries, museums, and athletic facilities


Have we caught your interest? Then we look forward to receiving your application documents. The application should include a cover letter, CV, copy of master theses and contact information for referees. Please apply exclusively via our careers page.


Contact person HR-Recruiting
Tobias Pröchtel/ Nicola Mertens 
+49 331 5509-425/ 428


Contact specialist department
Prof. Dr. Vaibhav Bajpai
+49 331 5509-3435


Hasso-Plattner-Institut für Digital Engineering gGmbH
Prof.-Dr.-Helmert-Str. 2-3
14482 Potsdam