The Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) is Germany's university excellence center for digital engineering ( The joint digital engineering faculty of the University of Potsdam and the HPI offers a unique and particularly practical engineering degree in computer science. The HPI conducts internationally recognized university research. The teaching and research focuses on the basics and applications of large, highly complex and networked IT systems.


In the course of its strong growth, the Hasso Plattner Institute is looking to recruit several


Research Assistant / PhD student: Data Analytics for Cloud Operation (m/f/x)


The position is limited to one year and fulltime (renewal possible).



In a joint project of the Hasso Plattner Institute and SAP AG, one position for a research assistant is available. Topic of the project is Data Analytics for Cloud Operations Optimisation - Predictive Maintenance for Physical Servers. 


When operating a data center, a high quality of service usually has to be ensured. For example, downtimes of a service can only be tolerated to a small extent. To prevent a service failure caused by failing hardware (e.g. server, storage, or network), redundant hardware is necessary, causing costs and complexity. To reduce costs and improve quality, it would be desirable to be able to maintain hardware before a failure occurs (so-called "predictive maintenance"). In this project, predictive maintenance methods will be examined for their suitability in data centres and their advantages and disadvantages will be weighed against conventional redundancy planning.


Your future tasks

  • Research in this project, interaction with SAP as project partner 
  • Participate in research group activities 


Your skills

  • A very good degree in Computer Science (or related programs), some experience with distributed systems or machine learning is advantageous 
  • Independent working style, both analytical and implementation skills
  • Excellent communication skills in English; some knowledge of German is helpful but not required 



Was wir Ihnen bieten

  • Einen facettenreichen Job, eingebettet in ein internationales und dynamisches Arbeitsumfeld
  • Eine spannende, verantwortungsvolle Position, in der Sie viel bewegen können
  • Regelmäßige Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten, Einblick in die wissenschaftliche Forschung
  • Kostenfreie Getränke (Kaffee, Tee, Wasser)
  • Regelmäßige Team-Events und Workshops 
  • Attraktive Mitarbeiterangebote (Corporate Benefits)
  • Ein bezuschusstes Firmenticket
  • Möglichkeit zum mobilen Arbeiten
  • Vergünstigtes Mittagessen in der Campus Kitchen One
  • Einen Arbeitsplatz am HPI-Campus in Potsdam-Babelsberg (S-Bhf. Griebnitzsee) mit schneller Verkehrsanbindung nach Berlin


Wir freuen uns auf Ihre aussagekräftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen inkl. Gehaltsvorstellung. Bitte bewerben Sie sich ausschließlich über unsere Karriereseite.

Ansprechpartnerin HR-Recruiting:
Tobias Pröchtel +49 331 5509-425


Hasso-Plattner-Institut für Digital Engineering gGmbH
Prof.-Dr.-Helmert-Str. 2-3

14482 Potsdam